This question has come up over at Revit forums a few times and there are even paid Revit addins to achieve this functionality.
When you are in a Revit project with tons of details, referencing a view can become quite a task. Many people manually name the view with the coordinates/ sheet number appended to the front. The problem with this is if it the location changes you have to remember to update it yourself!
This is the great thing about Dynamo, we can harness all of this power and achieve this across the whole project at once.
The other important thing to point out is thanks to the awesome open source community this functionality is even easier.
*Without Andreas and Konrad’s awesome DynamoBIM packages this graph wouldn’t be as easy to achieve.
This graph simply takes the drafting views, gets their detail number/ sheet number and appends it in the front of the name separated by an underscore “_”. If they haven’t been on a sheet yet, it will then add the prefix with an underscore.
Each time you run the graph it updates this “prefix” for all of the drafting views. If they are not on a sheet it will simply name them like this.
See the video below of this graph in action. I show the blank views on a blank sheet and manipulation of the views.

And here's the graph